1x1Sport - European Sports and Training Academy presents

Functional BLACKROLL Fascial Training | The perfect combination of aerobic exercise and regeneration

With Nina Heinemann - personal trainer & fitness instructor / BLACKROLL® Master Trainer and an introduction of Dr. Robert Schleip

Get relief from pain and ease tension and adhesions in your muscles and fasciae

Four interactive workouts including in-depth descriptions for each exercise

Self-massage your way to relaxation, regeneration and renewed strength

Stimulate more nutrient-rich blood to circulate, soothing your skin's appearance and reduce cellulite

Improve your posture, increase blood circulation and maximize your performance

Increase your flexibility and mobility - reduce injury risks

BLACKROLL 'N' RELAX - Your guide to Self-Myofascial Release - Maximize your athletic performance and live pain free

The roll & relax exercises shown in our video enable you to ease tension in your muscles and adhesions in your fasciae. You'll be able to get effective pain relief, regardless whether you use the BLACKROLL® after soccer practice, a running routine or a hard day at the office. BLACKROLL® exercises ensure that the internal architecture of your body keeps getting hydrated and that it remains elastic. The “self-myofascial release” is an effective massage technique providing an intense massage of muscles and fascia, with similar effects as a classic massage. BLACKROLL® training on a regular basis not only leads to a more flexible body, it's also an ideal tool for reducing injury risks. With the BLACKROLL® you can specifically target the superficial fascia, creating a positive effect on the appearance of your skin. By tightening the connective tissue you can combat cellulite and scar tissue effectively. Pains in your neck, shoulder and back caused by sitting long periods of time often arise from problems with your fascia. BLACKROLL® exercises can help alleviate back pain, thus providing increased mobility and flexibility.

This training video is the perfect guide to a effective BLACKROLL® training routine and a healthy and pain free body.

length: 100 minutes / image format: PAL 16:9 anamorph / audio format: stereo / language: english, german / region code: 0 (without)


With the help of the BLACKROLL you can noticeably improve your flexibility and capacity of the muscular system with just little effort and simple exercises. Regular and targeted training regenerates the muscles and ensures prolonging release of tension and a higher performance of the muscles.